Week 4: Win Pastis & Almond Syrup #foodiefridayOWT

12 Aug 2016

All you have to do to have a chance of winning this amazing prize is like and share the post use the hashtag #foodiefridayOWT on our Facebook page.

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week 4 foodiefridayOWT

OWT MD Michele recently went on the Best Of Burgundy, Beaujolais & Provence 11 Day Cruise where she hand-picked regional specialties to make up six wonderful prizes being given away over the next few weeks!

‘One afternoon the ship invited us to play boules on the quayside whilst drinking Pastis and eating saucisson. Traditionally Pastis is mixed with water which makes it go cloudy and some French people add almond syrup. Having enjoyed a very civilized afternoon made better by winning, I popped to the shop and bought some Pastis and almond syrup to bring home for someone to win.’ Michele

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